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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


Just depends on what works best for each of us. But personally, I agree with you. It’s not that I think one company owning a ton of the services is a bad thing in itself. But history has shown us that, when a company starts to dominate a certain market, they tend to start becoming tone-deaf to our interests, because they know we can’t (easily) switch and go somewhere else.

Elon Musk is challenging conventional business practices with a unique strategy for his tech ventures

Lol. What exactly is he doing differently from what every other greedy corporate shareholder of any large tech monopoly has done?

Make promises he cant keep? He said he would open source Twitter code and he’s done exact opposite.

Try to extort money out of users for basic features? Making people pay for Twitter blue to DM.

Prevent developers from making third party apps by forcing absurd rate limits?

Sounds just like any other money-hungry big tech CEO to me. 🤷‍♂️

I use Todoist. But I’m currently trying to get to the bottom of what their privacy stance is. Their Privacy Policy is too vague for my liking. I’ve been recently talking with their staff and asking some questions about it, but they’ve been slow to respond.