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Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


Problem is that this only matters for botters, and those are the guys who showed up with the bolt cutters

Feels like releasing a new (privacy oriented) horse drawn buggy design just as automobiles are taking off

Captcha has already been extremely questionable for years, as there are open source tools to break em, and AIs emerging that can describe what’s in images

Take as a case study RuneScape building custom captcha games during login to try and dissuade bots. It didn’t work, the bots easily adapted to the new games

Google’s reCaptcha no longer recommends any user interaction at all. The new methodology is using AI to wholistically examine user behavior/identity with as much data as possible

Basically, I think Proton wasted their time, and captchas are a dumb system. They added computational challenges, but they start easy and are pitched when image fails. So I’m not so convinced that they will work better than cloudflare