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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 24, 2023


Unfortunately I do not know any other sources like this one. Tuxphones does not update as they were doing last year either.

True. I so much would like to have a pure Linux phone, but they are still not much ready. I do not understand why though. I think there is market for it and tons of Linux apps are already available.

Awesome, thanks for the suggestion.

Now you made me curious :) I will definitely take a look at it. Thanks.

I use a self-hosted Nextcloud server for Gdrive and Photos. Anyone who thinks going self-hosted is hard must watch 1 or 2 Docker videos and buy a minipc for a $150-$200. It is really not that hard. OpenStreetMap unfortunately is not even close what Maps can provide. I have not checked it for a long time though, maybe some drastic improvements have happened lately?

Totally agree with this. I started with Gmail and calendar and then gradually continued with Gdrive and Gphotos. My browser has always been Firefox, so no problem there. My next step is owning a Google-free phone (keeping an eye on https://tuxphones.com/). The only thing that I can not get rid of is Google Maps. It works so damn good!