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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Good points!

I got the vault protected via yubikey of course ;)

You lose security, sure. But you are gaining so much more ease of use. Bitwarden autofills your credentials and puts your token into your clipboard. Also it syncs your tokens to all devices. Effectifly this makes a site as easy to login as a site without 2fa.

The alternative is on desktop always get your smartphone, open some app type a token or on the phone to switch to multiple apps to get your credentials. Not fun imho.

I currently activated 2fa on over 60 sites, I doubt I would use it as much without BW.

For me, the key benefit of 2Fa is getting more security against leaked, stolen, phished passwords, and that still holds up.

I would argue its more like a 1.5 factor. Not secure when your bitwarden gets compromised. But more security for stolen, leaked, phised passwords.

I currently have 60 OTPs in Bitwarden, I probably would not have activated 2FA on so many sites without BW.

Same. Maximum comfort since Bitwarden autofills and puts the token in your clipboard, you dont have to change apps or need you smartphone when you are on desktop.

You are less secure though, but its worth it to me.

Yes I understand. I just wanted to tell you that Osmand should be capable of that and it works for me. So maybe open a bug ticket to get this sorted.

Ahh weird. I just tested it and Osmand showed me the correct house just fine when I searched with a number. Tested for two houses. I had to download the map though, otherwise no results.

Locus is a commercial application from a small czech company (around 10 employees). Pricing is overall fair and they work hard to get wishes from the users in the app. But I can understand when one wants to prevent using apps which are using google services.

An open source app which goes in a similar direction is Osmand+ which is on fdroid for sure https://f-droid.org/packages/net.osmand.plus/

My favorite app ever, not just mapping apps is Locus.

It justbdoes everything I need when I am outside.