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Cake day: Jan 10, 2024


Reading the article I think most people don’t need to worry about upgrading because of this flaw; this would be a very targeted attack. And I can understand not letting the firmware upgrade; I’m pretty sure I’ve seen examples of nation-state hacks for phones that involve attackers installing an “upgraded firmware” that disables security protections to access otherwise secured info. But yeah, cost is definitely a risk with this design.

It doesn’t affect their newest keys, but you can’t upgrade an older key to fix it:

All YubiKeys running firmware prior to version 5.7—which was released in May and replaces the Infineon cryptolibrary with a custom one—are vulnerable. Updating key firmware on the YubiKey isn’t possible. That leaves all affected YubiKeys permanently vulnerable.

It seems to be largely the same attack that succeeded against Google’s Titan keys a few years ago, according to the article

In fact reading through the article it sounds like they would need to use it to extract the secret. I guess the end goal for this would be to maintain surreptitious access to something after returning the key to the target, either to build a criminal case or for espionage purposes.

Given that the vulnerability may also apply to other secure access card/devices I suppose it could also be used if a nation-state wanted to use an impostor to access secure facilities.