I create educational resources for average people to understand the importance of privacy and security on the internet, and take back control over their digital lives.

You may know me from work on the Techlore YouTube channel, including the Techlore Talks podcast I co-host, and the Privacy Guides non-profit website which I founded and am a lead contributor to.

Instance hopping since 2018! Instance admin @ https://mstdn.party, https://mstdn.plus, and https://neat.computer, Internet Privacy Advocate, and macOS/Qubes user.

Want to support https://mstdn.party? You can make a one-time or recurring donation at https://opencollective.com/mstdnparty 😎

Minnesota, USA | https://pronoun.is/he :bisexual_flag:

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Nov 05, 2022


@soupcat Probably the fact that Google presents Android as an open, level playing field, when in reality it isn’t, whereas Apple is not misleading customers or developers in this case (they just say “fuck you no alternative app stores for you”).