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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 17, 2023


And I am perfectly fine with that.

You wouldn’t be an asshole otherwise. Maybe some beautiful day you’ll realise being an insufferable twat might not be the best approach to life, but I’m not going to hold my breath.

I wonder how big of a percentage of currently manufactured cars have some sort of “phone home” features. I honestly have no clue, I haven’t owned a car in about 20 years now (nowadays I live and work in an area with great public transport) so funnily enough it’s actually not very likely I’d ever even have this problem.

In another 20 years, I’d be surprised if cars that don’t phone home are even legal (well, if industrial society is still standing anyhow and everything’s not just irradiated ruins).

My toothbrush don’t know jack shit; it may be electric, but it’s dumb as a brick.

I refuse to buy “smart” appliances.

“How to figure out what your car knows about you” isn’t a problem I expected to have