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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


So maybe that’s why they didn’t want to allow that?

Apple’s grudging accommodation of European antitrust rules by allowing third-party app stores on iPhones has left users of its Safari browser exposed to potential web activity tracking.

EU: demands changes to allow non-verifiable software

Apple: disagrees, but allows it

platform browser less secure

TheRegister: Damned Apple!!

You guys are on public servers?


Hey member when they drove around and sucked up everybody’s wifi and (where possible) password? And then they were like “oh well if you don’t want us to use your network in our data then it’s on you to keep it out” member that.


. . . Because the auto industry is a true bastion of male privilege and they’re all crazy rich?

They’re above the law. And that clown show in DC isn’t going to do shit so long as republiQans have the votes to stop it.

Software - in general - is too dangerous to use at this time. Pen & paper for now.

“Fuck the law”, NSA Says. “What are you gonna do about it? Cry to your representative? Hahahahahahh”, NSA continues.