Gifted Autistic Sysadmin, Anti-Corporate activist

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Cake day: Oct 23, 2023


Although I‘m not really happy with the very harsh description but I can understand your frustration. I think „dont look up“ and „idiocracy“ really describe the situation with the majority well.

Loved your comment. Its actually 1% thats really sick (psychopaths, violent narcissists, etc) that happen to have infiltrated all power structures. These people need to be institutionalized, not worshipped as gods.

I think the number of clueless/careless people is more like 70-80% and we‘re a vocal, fractured minority that doesnt have enough power or unity to influence against the 1%.

Debian stable is pretty much a meme since it prioritizes stability over everything else. So you get the oldest kernel and will get the latest features months after every other distro. Since kde has only recently gotten wayland+nvidia support, it is pretty janky on debian stable still. It just makes no sense imo for a desktop pc. Pop is way better.

Although I get the idea, going all in on the privacy would mean you can never log in with a single account you have since they bind it to your ip and you’ve lost. Also using vpns all the time or tor if possible/necessary. Imo, its far too much work to go full paranoia mode.

So I‘m running debian stable with kde (dont do it on nvidia!) and pop os on a laptop. Firefox, adblock plus and pihole do most of the heavy lifting. Gaming, working and other activities on the same machine works well without vms. I do use vms in specific dev Environments though.

For kids, an immutable distro sounds like a great idea. Good luck and have a nice day.

Thanks for elaborating.

In that case we probably have to agree to disagree. Showing your kid off to the world is bound to have an effect on certain people and these people are there, no matter how much you want big tech and the government to take responsibility.

Do we have suveilance|turbo|latestage capitalism? Absolutely! Do we need to stop that, yes. Does the absence of it make any kind of fame painting a crosshair on your back stop? No. Thats a social phenomenon and irritatingly logical.

And while I do share my experiences with people, I‘m socially literate enough to know what to share and when. Because lemmy is very much the local pub and sharing trauma or triggers in a random environment gets you in all kinds of trouble.

So no, I dont think sharing your kids everything on the internet makes it okay to happen anything bad to you or your kid. The reason I commented was that I got the notion that its regarded as „the parent has done nothing wrong or could have no known better“ which I fully disagree with. Otherwise I have just understood wrongly and/or got triggered by it, which for a change is no big deal in opposition to oversharing the life of a non consenting being.

Yes, its one of the reasons I decided not to have children. the most people arent this naive or even plain abusive or negligent. You saying that its actually not just easy to do shows that you’re most likely not the problem. the people who are the problem immediately discard it or make fun of it.

your comment is very reductive imo. sharing private stuff with millions of people has nothing to do with tech literacy. besides that, my experiences arent stuff to make jokes about.

I think we need to agree to disagree here. Being a parent in this world is (depending on your social status) a dangerous project that asks for a lot of responsibility.

A billion things can happen and it can kill, maim, traumatize or change your kid forever. I know because I have been one of those kids who grew up under „naive“ parents. Its hell. Life is hell afterwards.

So this is definitely triggering for me and I‘m not gonna give in to my instincts here since nobody deserves to go through what I went through. Suffice it to say that naive parents are not fit to be parents imo.

Its so sad that stuff like this needs to happen before people wake up. The kids dont deserve failures like this as parents.

I‘m not most people, tbf. My autistic brain is wired differently. But the fact that you get thebimportant stuff on the fedi remains imo. FOMO isnt a thing for peeps beyond a certain age and with a certain mindset I believe.

And the only way imo to get „everyone“ to join the fedi is using it, improving it and talking about it. Most people dont contribute to it since they are oblivious to the possibilities. You can write code, open issues, translate, build tools, design stuff, whatever your skillset or just donate. Sadly, most people are more comfortable with a small, underfunded groups of devs who constantly get shit on doing the work while they sit on their high horse and discuss what „should be done“.

I host an instance, write code, donate, open issues, build tools, post and discuss and advocate.

Btw you‘re equating necessity with demand which is a fallacy. If I recommend metadone in case you‘re a heroin addict doesnt mean everyone should use it. Its exactly this short, low hanging fruit thinking that makes people think dealing with meta will surely be fine.

No my friend. You’re highly manipulative and aggressive. You might want to talk to someone about this. Its not healthy. I’m out. Blocked.

I dont know if you’re deliberately ignoring the fact that I am talking about the service provider, not the actions you take on the platform. meta is on record for abusing human rights and facilitating all kinds of crimes against humanity. The comparison is spot on imo.

Edit: I was on most social media until a couple years ago. Some stuff I had to use for my job. So I very much understand the mechanics. I dont know what you mean by updates exclusive to social media. I dont need updates or news and if something goes down, someone will make a post about it on lemmy, mastodon, matrix or peertube.

They now get to follow Threads accounts without sharing their phone number or other personal information with Meta.

Great! Going back to an abusive ex but they dont get your phone number this time. But its going to be different this time! I actually had a mother like this. Classic self delusion.

Yeah, not in the fedipact world. We are not going to facilitate this. It is technically impossible for most servers, opens us up to all kinds of exploitation (not data collection but definitely ad display, EEE and the effect of making people used to inflated feeds and likely to switch in case of defederation).

The fun thing is that some people are ignorant enough to think that humans actually have the ability to not follow ads and dark patterns. If that were the case, we wouldnt have an 800 billion $ ad business. Now all the ad companies have to do is make people believe that only the weak get influenced by ads. Like people going against restrictions for corporations. Its dunning kruger in full effect.

Also, we dont have many instance admins generally in the comments. Never having hosted an instance and tended to users needs but being very opinionated about admin decisions is like the people knowing how to coach a football team better than the actual coach. I advise anyone who knows better to host their own instance. Because underappreciating others’ struggle and effort is massively disrespectful imo.

I agree, the background isnt too great. The idea though is gold.

You‘re doing it again. Please stop putting words in my mouth.

We dont accept facebook here, period.

That and there is organic growth and a 100x entity entering your space and calling it „growth“. Its delusional. Its literally the gauls and the romans.

I agree and disagree. Crackheads and ex convicts are humans, meta is not human.

Its like letting the invading army of nazi germany in because „they’re human“. Meta is by definition a psychopathic authoritarian with an enormous force of „somewhat harmless“ people who will flood the servers and by their sheer number have the power to change anything they want.

Whatever „batty“ means.

Your argument is falsely equating our „we dont accept authoritarian systems here“ to „we dont accept people“ which is thinly veiled gaslighting.

They could and anyone things that they’re not already doing that is high. But thats not the concern of the fedipact. We just dont want them here as in their posts, their culture and their behavior.

On that note, lets federate with threads! (I‘m gonna rub this in for the rest of eternity)

I mean, how braindead does someone have to be to not see that meta is the devil.

Fedipact for the win! :)

This is hilarious. Meta is embracing the mob methods more and more.

I agree. Meta should be dismantled for this and many other reasons. So should all billion dollar companies btw. Broken up and banned from having the same board, owners or any cartel-furthering practices.