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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


Welcome to Gnome. “The defaults are good so you don’t need customization” seems to he their montra. Honestly there probably is a way to change the sidebar however you like, but it will he buried in a config file and break between upgrades. Dolphin might be a better fit. KDE seems to go the other way, not great defaults, but you can customize as you want.

To be fair to Cloudflare, url redirects isn’t a feature of DNS. That’s something a lot of registrar’s pack in for free because users want it. It acts like a DNS feature, but is actually a web server that hands out 301 and 302s.

I’ve had the opposite problem before. I’ve had public networks notice that the traffic on 443 is not actually https and kill it. That’s a little deeper than most places go though.

I’ve been posting publically for years. I expect when I do, it was viewed and used by anyone any time for anything. AI hasn’t changed that.