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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


The city is San Jose.

I so, so hate that journalists and editors everywhere - from NBC to WaPo to podunk local papers - seem to have pretty much acquiesced to the fact that headlines are just going to be clickbait going forward.

I’m willing to bet a lot of money that if one particular candidate wins the election in November, this data will be used for a whole fucking lot more than “evangelization”.

For real, dude. You can get a 2.5gbps home LAN setup these days for a few hundred dollars, and that’s going to be WAY better than the shit Comcast or whoever rents you. The only exception to that is if you’ve got fiber - I believe you’re locked into using their transceiver (because the tech is proprietary). But if you’re on traditional co-ax broadband, the world is your oyster.

Also keep in mind that you’ll be free of whatever rental fee they were charging you to use their modem/router.