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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


The harm is that it’s installed. There is no reason for doing this. It can be done on demand in one second if the user subscribes to their VPN.

It also shows once once again that they keep on doing their shady shit and still cannot be trusted (or at least that they are a bunch of incompetent developers).

The same company that was modifying the content of the pages as an opt-out feature deeply hidden in the setting? (e.g. bitcoin stuff on every Reddit link)

Thanks, I forgot this: “We want the master keys to Signal, and we put cameras everywhere because you have nothing to hide.”

Are you a pedophile if you’re hiding your face for the glory of communism? I’m just asking questions.

It depends.

UK because of all the cameras in London. China because you need a VPN to browse the web.

I may be wrong but I don’t remember needing a Microsoft account for the web client. Click on the link, accept the usage of your mike and camera, and it should be enough. Open a private window if you want more privacy and I’m sure it will still work fine.

The guy is scanning eyeballs for a living, I don’t believe he has any respect for a small text file in your web server.

I use Bitwarden but there is nothing wrong with 1password. Both have been audited, and (IIRC) don’t have major security holes so far. 1password is more expensive but it’s not an issue.

Same experience here. I tried Kagi when I got a new job and I thought that having a good search engine would be beneficial to me. It is indeed the best search engine I’ve ever used and I won’t stop using it.

The issues because there are some: it’s a bit expensive (but I gain at least 1 hour every day as I am not struggling with shitty results from Google), and the “privacy” of your searches cannot be proved once and for all even if they swear they don’t store anything.