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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


OP actually posts a lot of sources, but it’s probably a bot.

I have seen more than few accounts that soley post this website though. It’s obvious all their articles are fearmongering to encourage crypto.

Why would you see that for a full day no one had clarified what they asked for…

And then demand I answer it without still saying what you think theyre asking for?

I don’t know if you’re trolling or honestly dont see the issue, but it really doesn’t matter.

Because when you act like that tacking on a “please” doesn’t count as being polite.

Some of them are in parables, and others are of the old law back before there was hope for salvation in Christ. If

That would almost matter …

If Christians weren’t constantly saying they need to pass laws everyone has to follow based on that old shit…

When you pick and choose and say some have to be followed, but the ones you disagree with don’t.

It’s what’s called “hypocrisy” in the modern world.

You can’t claim some stuff you’re forced to make others follow, and other stuff is outdated and we can’t hold it against you

Gotta pick a lane champ

What quote?

The blood/water one?

You know you get better answers with clear questions, right?

Otherwise this happens where no on has any idea what you’re talking about and just trying to guess what you mean.

It’s rarely as productive as just being specific in the first place

Bruh, the Bible says if you even think a family member is considering any other option than Christianity, it’s you’re duty to stop them, even if it means killing them.

Blood is thicker than water.

Is a biblical phrase, the full thing is:

The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.

It means you’re supposed to put any other Christian, and Christianity as a whole, over family.

Up to and including pulling an Abraham and murdering family members for not believing exactly the same shit.