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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 16, 2023


I just found this yesterday so I cannot properly give a review on it, but I found Logseq which seems to be a privacy-focused knowledge management and collaboration platform. It seems very promising and reminds me somewhat of Obsidian

Thank you for the correction! I actually never looked much into it, so it was surprising to see how many misconceptions there are about China’s social credit system. Having said that, after looking more into it, saying it was never put into place wouldn’t be entirely correct either, apparently. Some people have been comparing it to the credit score system in the US and it seems quite apt from what I read. It is there, it simply isn’t a centralized system or an all-encompassing entity.

For China, I would also add the social credit score which relies a lot on facial recognition…a real nightmare

I like you, your answer and your post. Have a cupcake. I also look forward to your updates. Thanks for sharing!