I guess you kind of answered your own question.
In my case I was on the paying plan of bitwarden ( 10€/ year ). I kept them separated and will probably keep paying for both. The bitwarden money really is negligible…
That and I’m quite happy with bitwarden. You could always extract your pwd from the password manager and save them somewhere secure in an encrypted file. SHOULD something happen you still have a backup somewhere…
Just make sure to keep your back up safe.
Keep in mind that if 1 password decides to lock you out you still lose all your passwords.
Im confused by your answer.
The paragraph you quoted was basically formatted as:
If it works the same as on android, <the way it functions on android>.
So you’re not meant to be familiar with how it works on android because the second part of the sentence explains what you need to know.
Every new picture you take on iPhone will be synced to proton drive. It does not have the concept of albums. It’s just one big photo reel.
How would you expect multiple colors across multiple calendars to work? ( honest non-aggressive question )
Always take the calendar color, in which case there are no multi colors in a single calender ( since its overruled every time by the calendar color ).
Current behaviour is to override the calendar color, but that’s not to your liking.
I looked over the settings button entirely. It’s currently on my camera roll only ( which is what i want ).
I’ve added the “downloads” folder now. Will try it out to see if I download a picture/clip from signal and move it to that directory if it’ll auto upload it.
Being able to select custom photos/movies directly from the app would still be a nice feature though.
I wish I could manually add photos to the backup from my phone. Sometimes I get pictures I want to save to my backup. Then I need to upload them to my drive and add them to the backup on my laptop/desktop.
I guess I could upload it in the browser as well? It’d be nice if I could do it through the all rather than go through the browser.
I honestly wouldn’t send private content over WhatsApp or telegram.
If the private photos you are talking about are of sexual nature I would advise against taking them in the first place. While the laws are improving around them to make distribution punishable( in some places ), you honestly can’t tell what will happen once you send it.
People can take screenshots, save it, take a picture with a different device, … Sure, some apps prevent it, but they can’t block external devices.
Even if the receiver saves the picture in a personal cloud archive he can still get hacked and lose it. Or somebody finds them on his device that he sent in for repair.
If you do decide to send sexual private images. Make sure you’re not identifiable ( face, tattoo, … ). If itnxould be anyone and it leaks, it still sucks. But at least nobody really knows it is you.
I have no idea what software I’d use. But definitely not something owned by meta or Microsoft/google/Amazon. I have reasonable faith in signal. And I suppose running your own matrix server works. While you can’t control what they do with it once received, you can at least be sure it’s scrubbed off your server.
While the person you’re sending them to totally wouldn’t do it right now. Always assume people are petty and will do it once you get in a big argument. Or sometimes we all have bad judgement calls and people are assholes.
If the kind of photos you’re talking about are non-sexual but just family photos and the like. I’d share the photos through a photo library. Like a photoprism you manage.
Note: I’m not judging. Just be careful who you send which pictures.
I’m guessing they’ll want you to log in. they’ll use those credentials to get data from protonpass and try to breach other sites? ( Like crypto sites ( e.g.: binance ).
Maybe even mass send email to the contacts about this great new platform they found at >insert dodgy link
I agree with you. The logo/background all definitely looks proton style. Somebody made an effort to make it look like an actual product.
I use the fusion VPN function of my Asus router so new devices and specific devices can only use the VPN. Other devices can access.internet without the VPN.
It’s pretty stable. I think I’ve had the connection ( wireguard ) drop twice so that I had to reconnect it. Not sure if that is related to the VPN on Asus though.
The reason not all devices use the VPN is because there’s a bunch of streaming sites ( local ) that claim you’re not in the country while the VPN is. Or it just doesn’t allow you to play the videos.