here we go again

is also:
was: /u/experbia

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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 20, 2023


If you keep trying the support route, I figure I’ll throw in my general tech support 2c, at the risk of it being unhelpful.

I’ve had to fight my natural temptation to “over specify” or “increase specificity” when tech support sometimes doesn’t “get” my problem. the extra words (like “this is NOT about the emails”) can seem like they’re narrowing things down, but can instead make the canned response system or the underpaid human scanning the email confused about the context. I generally now suggest “underspecifying” - go for something simpler that requires someone to engage you somehow to resolve the problem. Like, “my problem is that I unsubscribed from your emails like you told me to, but I’m still getting them, it didn’t work”. Then suddenly, this might be a bug report of something broken. That gets a lot more attention… upstream humans need to look at it to decide if it’s something affecting just you or everyone on the whole system. When they are in the process of determining this, they’ll have to notice you’re referring to the push notifications and not actual emails in order to decide it’s not a big problem waiting to happen for them.

This underspecificity has helped me a lot in getting better customer support. I never intend to lie outright or be rude… I just lower my skill level. A lot. To a low-tech user, the difference between a push notification and an email is not terribly clear. These support systems tend to work better on low-tech users because, well, most people are low-tech.