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Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Well that’s interesting 😎

I never like the idea of TOTP in your password database.

I gave up and just use iOS’ native reminders app… which is actually quite good.

No worries. There’s instructions from KeePassium too if it helps.

KeePassXC supports the codes on desktop.

Just create an entry and at the bottom setup one time password OTP

Then scan a QR code or enter manually.

Then click the clock to the right of your entry to get the 6 digit code.

Same. I pair it with KeePassium on iOS.

I use Bitwarden for passwords, it’s just great.

For totp I use a keepass database on the cloud. Each device needs a local key file to login to get the codes.

While true, you can easily migrate your data elsewhere in such a scenario.

If that changes they’re dead to me.

Same. I do use keepassxc (with KeePassium on iOS) for totp codes though just in case Bitwarden ever had an issue.

Separate systems > combined