I write code and play games and stuff. My old username from reddit and HN was already taken and I couldn’t think of anything else I wanted to be called so I just picked some random characters like this:

>>> import random
>>> ''.join([random.choice("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789") for x in range(5)])

My avatar is a quick doodle made in KolourPaint. I might replace it later. Maybe.


  • 0 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 22, 2023


A vote on kbin/lemmy is closer to a retweet than to a vote on reddit in terms of its potential impact on folks. You are publicly saying you support/do not support a post by voting on it (which might be taken as publicly thanking someone with an upvote or publicly saying fuck you with a downvote in some contexts); that can be a workable system, but it’s surprising if you’re coming from reddit where basically no one but the admins (and whoever they told/sold the data to) actually knows what you voted up/down.

Hell, consider all the drama around “YOU DOWNVOTED ME!!” / “No I didn’t!” BS that was so common even when it was just suspected – now it can be confirmed (again, for better or worse), for kbin users. I was on reddit for a long time and just thinking about that crap makes me feel tired… -.- Downvoting on kbin is potentially picking a fight every time. The end result is that I’ve basically never downvoted anything except some spam bots. I don’t need that shit in my life again – even for some of the posts that I think really should be downvoted, I’m just ignoring now. (Not getting into it further. Don’t ask. I won’t respond.)

If your IRL identity is associated with your account (or can be figured out eventually…), upvoting something really spicy could also end up causing you the same kind of drama IRL as retweeting or commenting strongly on the post – e.g. job loss, loss of business, targeted harassment/violence campaigns, loss of friends/romantic partners, etc…

I really don’t need more drama in my life, so I’m a bit more mindful of how I’m voting (for better or worse) and some stuff I probably would’ve voted on before, I am just leaving alone now.

Yeah, I had a mixed reaction to finding that out a while ago, but I’m kind of just rolling with it for now. Votes are just simply NOT private on here, for better or worse. My feeling right now is that it’s sort of positive from a community feel perspective, but I’m also avoiding interacting with a lot of subjects I consider more controversial.

Probably we’ll end up developing a culture of either lots of alts used simultaneously, short lived accounts with regular name changes, or both as people become more aware of this. Either that or people will just say “Fuck it. You really want to see all the weird porn I like and my political preferences and what not? Don’t blame me if you regret looking!” :p

Anyone can see any upvote from federated users via kbin – for example, the upvotes on the comment this is a reply to can be seen here: https://kbin.social/m/privacyguides@lemmy.one/t/616970/If-you-can-create-a-Lemmy-instance-and-federate-you/comment/3491191/favourites

That may not be complete or consistent though given the way federation works.

Downvotes from lemmy do not show up. (Not sure why not; haven’t dug into it.) Only downvotes from kbin members are shown on kbin. Also unclear to me if downvotes between different kbin/mbin instances show up or if it’s the local instance only. (I’ve only noticed local downvotes, but haven’t really been looking.)