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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


The app or frontend you’re using you’re using is probably smart enough to ignore the period at the end of the link

Well, the weird thing is they haven’t actually done anything to the app yet. Looks like they’re just focusing on the next major release. The version that has been available in the store for the last 2 years hasn’t been fucked with.

If you’re still using Nova 7, it’s fine. If you installed the beta for version 8, that’s the one they’ve been working on after the buyout.

Not yet. Nova Launcher 8 is the problem version and it’s still in beta. If you’re still using version 7, particularly 7.0.57, then it’s the version from before the buyout and it’s clean. It’s suspected they turned some analytics on with 7.0.58, but even that still looks clean to me. That is the only update they’ve pushed since the buyout.

My guess is they didn’t want to fuck with the current version, they just wanted to devote their focus to getting all the tracking shit into the upcoming major release.

If you disable auto updates now, you’ll probably be fine until it stops working

Yeah a lot of these privacy focused email services refuse to let you export or forward or pull mail to a third party client. On the surface, it makes sense for the encryption and privacy they advertise. In reality, it feels like denying the user the option to control their email how they choose, and a way to keep you having to use their apps.

Always be wary of any privacy or security service that doesn’t give you an easy option to bypass their walls with your own data should you want to. Far, far too often the tech space in general refuses to acknowledge that security and privacy are extremely convenient covers for blatant vendor lock-in tactics.

I like Tutanota, and honestly, even though the app feels “old”, I kind of like it. I don’t think of that as “old” , I think of it as “professional”. It doesn’t look like a fisher price toy with giant round objects taking up the visual space, floating an annoying distance from on another for no reason. Though I’m keenly aware some “modern” UI designer will be brought in at some point to make it chase iOS aesthetics, as all apps must apparently do now.

What I don’t like about Tutanota is that if I want to use something other than the app, there’s no way. You can’t use Tutanota in a different email client and you can’t automatically forward emails.

I appreciate why. Only allowing access to email through their app helps keep everything encrypted end-to-end.

But not providing the option to allow certain mailboxes to be pulled into Thunderbird or Outlook makes it hard to justify a full move to Tuta. I don’t need that level of security for every single email sent to every single one of my addresses, and I’d like the convenience of being able to let some come through to Thunderbird.

Proton allows this an option, Tutanota does not.

Great news, but horribly written article. Feels like AI or someone with a high school writing level.

The original source is much better
