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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2023


I use namecheap.com but porkbun.com has also been highly recommended.

On the hosting side, I’ve been very happy with racknerd.com. They’re still listing and honoring their black Friday deals [1] and they’re ridiculously cheap! I have two shared hosting accounts but keep wanting to pick up at a VPS at these prices.

[1] https://my.racknerd.com/index.php?rp=/store/black-friday-2022

I understand why others are taking issue on your asking for free services. Maybe it could have been phrased better but not everyone has the life circumstances to pay for privacy respecting services, that’s why I do like the freemium/donation models so those who are able can subsidize those who can’t. Hopefully when circumstances improve more people can “pay it forward”.

Here are my recommendations:

  • Mail / Calendar / VPN / Drive: Proton free tier - 1GB shared storage and 1 VPN connection
  • Chat / Messaging: Signal
  • Community / Discord alternative: Matrix

The issue is that most of the content posted is archived fairly quickly. Deleting/rewriting only hurts the humans that might have gone looking for it. The way I look at it is, if the data is searchable/indexable by search engines (as a proxy for all other tools) at any point of its life cycle then it’s essentially permanent.