• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 01, 2023


@jonah@lemmy.one you’re alive! Welcome back, this server needs 4 months worth of maintenance!

Should I worry about “legitimate interest” tracking cookies?
I know they've been around since the GDPR came into effect, but I've suddenly noticed a sharp increase in the cookie prompts on web pages which have a second "legitimate interest" page. Some of these have an "object all" button, but plenty require you to manually opt-out of sometimes *hundreds* of ad-trackers. The cynic in me assumes this is a legal loophole, whereby they can claim legitimate interest in your data in order to do exactly what they were going to do anyway (which is *not* what the *legitimate interest* feature of the GDPR is for) without being required to give you a "reject all" button. 1. Am I being overly paranoid or is this exactly what's happening? 2. Does blocking all third-party cookies (something your browser should be able to do by default) negate all this need to reject anyway? 3. If not then what's the solution? If you do have an answer then please state if it applies to EU/UK or other, non-GDPR-respecting countries!

Ah, I missed the part where you said “Linux”, sorry!

Ah, I missed the part in the OP where it said “Linux”, whoops

Cromite is a fork of the seemingly-abandoned Bromite, which used to be the only browser recommended by GrapheneOS (other than their own Vanadium). It’s relatively new though so I don’t think that much has been written about it for comparison.

TIL there are multiple open street map apps (obvious that there would be now I think about it!)

Clearly I have nothing to add, but thanks for asking the question, I’ll be saving the post and trying out all the answers!

Assuming this is on an android phone with the normal Google Play Services on it then you should expect that Google can theoretically read anything that appears on it. It’s probably not that sinister though, I don’t imagine anything is being sent away and logged (though it theoretically could be!), there’s probably just some process which reads every incoming notification and if it thinks it sounds like a task then it offers you the prompt. Is this some setting you haven’t disabled in Google Assistant?

So if you disable the thing I suggested, there are ads. Then… don’t?

Edit: I misunderstood what you meant

Was there a Mullvad DNS outage today?
I've recently changed from `dns.adguard.com` to `extended.dns.mullvad.net` as [it generally seems more privacy friendly](https://www.privacyguides.org/en/dns/#recommended-providers), but it seemed to go dead for a while today. Anyone else see this or was it a me problem? I can deal with a slightly flaky service but I can't recommend one to non-techies who just need a working adblocker.

Redact on desktop worked fine a month or two ago, I imagine the API changes have caught it out though.

Never mind the American politics nonsense, Brave has a history of slightly dodgy behaviour. Replacing websites ads with their own, keeping donations meant for creators, hijacking referral links and adding in their own, a lot of cryptocurrency shenanigans, and that’s just what’s on Wikipedia!

I tried out gadgetbridge too, seemed largely functional though I did notice the Bluetooth drop. Also it apparently uses old Bluetooth rather then BTLE? I’ll stick with Rebble for now but it’s good to know there’s a decent replacement when it eventually packs in!

OK, so after a few days of denying the pebble app network privileges everything seems to be working fine! Obviously I can’t access the app store now but I can just temporarily reactivate network if I want to download something new. I don’t really use any apps that need network (in the pebble’s old age I’d rather it take it easy and save battery and let the much newer phone run the things I need to run!) so there’s no real loss for my use case.

If I just deny the Pebble/Rebble app network permissions will that achieve a similar result?

Nice! I’ve been reading through the wiki and it seems a bit rough around the edges but I’m up for giving it a try.

Never heard of this before, looks interesting. Have you used it with a Pebble before? What works, what doesn’t?

Anyone know how safe Pebble apps are?
I'm probably one of the few people still using a Pebble smart watch (still alive and kicking with [Rebble](https://rebble.io/)!), and I've just gone through the app store and found a few cool apps that still work. Given that you have to give the Pebble android app quite a few permissions to be able to do its thing I'm now wondering if all the third-party apps can also access all those permissions. They're mostly little FOSS one-person projects so I can probably have a nose through the source myself to check for dodgy behaviour, but does anyone know what the risks are in general?

The fact that anybody can just come into your session if they guess the room name correctly isn’t optimal either.

If you ignore the warnings about an easily-guessable name, ignore the option to use a waiting room, and ignore the suggestions to use a password, yeah.

Bromite hasn’t been touched for 6 months, so this is the opposite of duplicating effort, it’s an effort to save the project!

Sorry, I superglued it to my phone

Ah, that’s a good point. Tape someone else’s card to the back of your phone!

Tape your bank card to the back of your phone

What’s actually going on with GrapheneOS at the moment?
I've seen the post saying that the lead developer is stepping down, I've seen his accusations of abuse. I've seen enormous write-ups which make questionable claims about how he's the devil himself. I've seen a lot of rumour and hearsay, and now I've got no idea what to think. Is anyone able to give a short, unbiased summary of what's going on? (Ultimately, from a selfish point of view, I want to know if the project is likely to fall apart or if this is just bickering between egos!)