
  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 04, 2023


Have you tried specifying your preferences in the config file and letting DNSCrypt find the best server?

Can you elaborate a bit on this? This isbwaht i have been trying to do. When it starts up it checks latency from the lists i have provided and uses them some order.

My internet provider loves to hijack DNS requests. It desn’t matter if I use or it gives the same poisoned reply with e.g “As per court orders this website is blocked”.

Just glanced through it, but I think my setup is quite similar. Haven’t compared feature wise.

client -> pihole (docker) -> dnscrypt-proxy (docker)

And dnscrypt-proxy can be given a list of DoH, DNSCrypt servers it chooses based on some scheme

What are some faster DNSCrypt/DoH servers closer to India?
Some requests seem to take ~1300ms (google) or 700ms(cloudflare). and some are just 4ms. +non filtering, I run my own pihole. would cs-india good?

😅 ok, this is not for me then, i have set my fdroid app to check once every week.

Why would I use this? How’s this different from using e.g izzyOnDroid’s repo that also collects releases from github?

The clickbaity video on the readme doesnt help.