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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


Huh, I’m curious how this one turns out. Lots of German news outlets use some kind of privacy paywall for their websites. Its always some pop-up with “read the article for free with tracking or subscribe to [newspaper name] Pure/Plus”. So this might affect way more smaller companies than just Meta.

I mean I don’t like the choice but at least it’s a choice. Journalism costs money so they have to get their budget somewhere, I guess.

I think they opened or are planning to open a US data center. Other than that they are in Germany and Norway at the moment.

I’m in Germany, too, but I synced to it while being in the US, in Spain, and in Indonesia on vacation and I never had any problems with delays. And even if it was slow it was the hotel wifi 100% of the time. But using it full time from across the ocean ymmw.

I only use the encrypted storage built in natively in Nextcloud. https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/admin_manual/configuration_files/encryption_configuration.html but only for local storage.

The e2ee was not very good the last time I checked. I should check out any new developments though.

ICloud with e2e could be nice. But having a mix of Linux and Windows laptops in the household it is just not possible. There simply is no Linux client for it. And last time I checked the Windows client didn’t support e2e. So there goes that.

And to be completely honest I really do have trust issues with Apple (and Big Tech in general).

Nextcloud with Hetzner your-storageshare. ~5€/m for 1TB is hard to beat and it runs so well. I still use encryption and a few plugins like on a selfhosted instance.