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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 28, 2023


I’ve added a google passkey to BW last week. Was fairly easy. Just have to click the “continue” button when prompted by BW.

Nope, I haven’t had to login since I installed. What HW/macos version are you running?

2023 M2 Max and 14.2.1

huh, I never knew you could use delimiters other than +. That is a good thing to know.

I think I’ll just stick with using aliases with a delimiter.

Ah that is a good thing to keep in mind. Proton allows 15 email addresses on the account I have so I could always create one and delete it later.

Makes sense. I’m not too worried about privacy in that regard considering bad actors are going to do what they do. This was more for the automated systems, plus I don’t see how it would be any less privacy focused than just a standard email + aliases.

Custom domain catch-all use
So i've set up a custom domain to use with protonmail and was curious if anyone else uses the catch all in this manner. I was thinking that when a new account is created on $website I would use a custom email address that would then be caught by the 'catch-all'. So say the domain is catata.fish, and the website is target.com, then when signing up I would use target@catata.fish. Previously when using gmail I would use email+target@gmail.com. Does anyone see any issues doing it this way? Thanks!