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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 21, 2023


Why go seek shelter from the Kremlin if he wasn’t already compromised? Seems like there are many better places he could have gone.

Guantanamo certainly wasn’t open torture, it was hidden and very controversial. My comment was about the current US government vs the current Kremlin, seems like you’re intentionally misconstruing it to make a point.

No longer safe is a biased way of interpreting the law which allows organizers to be held financially responsible for problems caused by their protest.

Thanks for the info. A couple big assumptions in there without backing, but I think I understand why you’re making them.

An uncomfortable perspective I’ve developed over the past few years is that some of these privacy sacrifices might allow the US government to more effectively counter malicious efforts from governments like the CCP and Kremlin who have no such restrictions. That said, I have no doubt they’ll also be abused.

I don’t trust him ever since he sided with the Kremlin. Also what is this website…

As another commenter said, Chelsea Manning is already out. Snowden wouldn’t be considered a terrorist.

The US government doesn’t openly torture, murder, kill to expand their borders, put people in jail for blank signs, or many other terrible things the Kremlin does. The US government is easily, hands down better than the Russian government.

It’s not like the good communities will stop existing.

I saw many good Reddit subs then into garbage as the site grew.

At least the Fediverse should be resistant to enshittification because greed isn’t the driving force behind it.

Agreed. Disable 2G? Why? That might cost me connectivity in some places and I won’t remember to turn it back on.