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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


I also get a bit puzzled by the negative comments on the stays themselves. If people want to complain about what AirBNB does to communities, that I can get to some extent, but even then, if it really impacts things any more than an old school landlord buying properties and renting them out, I’m not sure. I live in a neighborhood with over 30% of the units being rentals, and there’s good and bad that comes with it.

As far as stays go, I’ve maybe done a dozen or so AirBNB stays by now, and they have always been wonderful. I only look at places that have solid reviews and read through all the rules/fees posted and there’s never been an issue.

I’m staying at one this weekend, and the hostess was texting me last night telling me what parts of the city to avoid since it’s St Patty’s weekend and will be a bit crazier and which places aren’t worth the money and are just tourist traps.

I won’t say I don’t believe there aren’t people out there with bad experiences, but I’ve stayed in many hotels that were ugly, old, dirty, noisy people next door, room wasn’t made on arrival, etc. but I’ve yet to get a bad AirBNB and they usually add to my trip experience because I like meeting the hosts and getting their insights. I also feel less bedbug potential exists if they’re living there too.

And the peak benefit is I can find ones that have pets! I don’t have any right now, but I do many times miss having them, and getting a place with a cat or dog or goat or what not lets me enjoy that without the responsibility!

The fact there’s always more people crapping on AirBNB in every thread that mentions it vs people with good experience seems off to me though. Makes my NIMBY sense tingle a little bit is all… 😉