I worship a shitload of deities and you should too


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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


Thank you for sharing this, I was unaware. I wonder if any of this has been addressed recently as the linked article is two years old (not demeaning its value, just wondering if the devs saw the article and decided to improve ungoogled-chromium).

Ungoogled-chromium is a good substitute in that case

PREACH LOUIS. I have to go to France often for work but will habe my employer change that so I don’t get thrown in gaol for using Signal to talk to my family.

I’ve been wondering that myself

If you can afford it, make your next phone a Google Pixel and put GrapheneOS on it. Despite the phone being google, all the google crap will be removed by the OS.

Nextcloud self-hosted to replace Google Drive.

Install as many apps as possible from F-Droid and the rest via Aurora Store.