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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Soooo I don’t use a VPN. I know quite a bit about computers and technology in general, security in this sense just hasn’t been as important to me until recent years. Them having no logs is important to me, just as the other metrics have their own levels of importance. Moreover, just because you’re only capable of a single bland line of thought at a time doesn’t mean others can’t express several, more complex forms of thought at once…such as talking about everything you mentioned, and more.

To me, a consumer they are targeting, this is important. The more I hear about things like this from them, the more I am legitimately considering utilizing their services.

Thank you!

I hesitate to look these things up myself because not only is it a heck of a rabbit hole, sometimes those holes are actually tricksty gophers. So I appreciate it. :)

What they mean is normally when something isn’t being paid for, you are the actual product. It’s why people should never use free password managers, for instance.

Proton may be unique in that the free tier might actually be exactly what it says it is: A product for you. Not a product OF you.

I’m already interested. Anywhere I can get more information that is not on Proton’s website?