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A Reddit refugee after 8 years of Reddit-ing

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


You and someone else have mentioned the deadman switch, does the other person need an account or can credentials be made for them? I haven’t used bitwarden in a while (since I migrated to gopass and then to keepass), so I’m guessing this is a new feature.

That is a very fascinating feature and I think I’ll look into it!

I’ve debated on using a bank safe but I’m still unsure about the regulations in my country regarding them. Notably what can law enforcement do without a warrant etc etc.

In terms of self hosting I think that’ll likely be the route I go as well, where family can just “shut it down” upon my death. I’m sure my partner might want to keep a few things (e.g. my kodi setup) but the things they would want to keep aren’t too difficult I feel.

How do people plan for their deaths in terms of account & device secrets (passwords, 2fa etc.)?
I have thought about this on and off for quite a few years now, and I was just wondering what people here have done while maintaining account / device security. I hope people don't mind this rather morbid conversation, but how have people here planned for what will happen with their accounts, computers, self hosted things etc. in the event of their deaths? I am particularly interested in what people have planned for if they are the person in their household who is self hosting things for the household. I'm not in a living situation that allows me to self host much but it is one of the questions I've had for myself when I decide to move in with my significant other and self host more things. I don't think they could manage much of the self hosted stuff and I also don't think they can remember all of the credentials for accounts etc., is the best way of going about it sharing a keepass database or bitwarden account with them? In regards to my accounts, I am not expecting most of my accounts to transfer, if anything I'd much rather them be deleted (and I have enabled this feature where possible). There are a few however, that I wouldn't mind leaving to someone after my passing. Is there a privacy and security preserving way of setting this up? I guess I have just been struggling with how to do this, ideally I would want a way for accounts to transfer to someone listed in my will, but I don't think it's a good idea to give ~2-3 people a copy of my keepass databse while I am still living. I am looking forward to hearing what people's thoughts are on this matter, and I apologize again for such a morbid topic.

Any thoughts on «Stract», an open source search engine (that appears to be self hostable as well, but there is a main instance of it)
Here is the [github page]( The option for different « optics » is neat, and the inclusion of DDG bangs style syntax is also appreciated.

I wish the address book and calendar information were also encrypted

However, Open-Exchange, the software platform used by, does not support the encryption of your address book and calendar. A standalone option may be more appropriate for that information. (source)

I currently use protonmail but if made that change I’d switch immediately, so I could actually get calendar integration on KDE (with Kontact)

It depends on which version you install. They have a version where user namespaces are disabled so tools such as podman and distrobox cannot run and flatpak requires bubblewrap to run as root. If you download the other version podman etc. will run and flatpak will also use user namespaces

(Read more here)

Any thoughts on Secureblue (and the greater ublue ecosystem of images)?
As the title states, I am just curious what peoples opinions are on [secureblue](, as well as the many other images that exist (notably Bazzite for the SteamDeck)

Blurring and / or pixelating
I am curious as to what are the best practices regarding blurring and / or pixelating a portion of a photo. I understand the reasons why the website suggests to put a black box over text one wishes to redact, but for other content that is not text what is the best choice. Should a combination of the two be used or just one? E.g. for blurring a face or something else within an image. Thanks!

KDE “user feedback”; what do you configure it to?
![]( I am just curious if anyone here changes it from the default (disabled) state. Would you say the telemetry data is particularly useful to the developers & respectful to the user? I generally disable all telemetry even on open source software but I am happy to hear people's arguments for enabling some of it if it helps the developers in a privacy respecting way. Enjoy your day!

Recommended Matrix instances?
I am just wondering what matrix instances are recommended. I would rather not use the main instance, but I still want something with good up-time, updated software and that is privacy respecting. Thanks! ~~Update: I am trying arcticfoxes, thank you for all of your suggestions! Feel free to leave more as it may help others who come across this post in the future.~~ Update 2: I had an issue with cross signing, but it works on so I am assuming it's an issue with the arcticfoxes instance. I am now using As I said before, feel free to leave more suggestions for others who come across this post.

I know a bunch of people here have mentioned Bitwarden, but I would like to mention one feature that makes it superior to all others. You can integrate it to services like SimpleLogin, AnonAddy, Firefox Relay, DDG etc. and auto-generate email aliases within the Bitwarden extension. In theory it is more secure to not do this but it is such a huge QoL feature to just hit the randomize button in the extension to create an alias for a new login. It also populates the info field on simplelogin with something along the lines of “Auto-Generated by Bitwarden for: [website]”

Android Auto alternatives
I am just curious what the state of android auto alternatives are at this point. As much as I would like to use GrapheneOS I would find it quite hard to part with Android Auto / Apple CarPlay. I am not expecting Android Auto to be one of the apps to be available in sandboxed gapps, but I would like to see a viable alternative that is better than using OsmAnd with my phone mounted to the dashboard.