Wander ΘΔ :verified_paw:

:therian: Grey Wolf Therian, he/him, 30ish y.o.
Running packmates.org fediverse instance.

:vlpn_happy_heart: Interests: Tech, therianthropy, furry/feral art, animal books, shamanism & animal-influenced spirituality, SFW & NSFW petplay

I sometimes post or boost NSFW content.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Dec 28, 2022

Quick question about DNS and DoH that I thought about after reading this post:
Quick question about DNS and DoH that I thought about after reading this post: [https://packmates.org/@silvereagle@furry.engineer/111176886781705659](https://packmates.org/@silvereagle@furry.engineer/111176886781705659) Wouldn't it make sense for Firefox or another third party to bundle and transparently forward all DoH requests to cloudflare so that: A) Cloudflare doesn't know who made what request due to not knowing the origin B) Firefox doesn't know who made what request due to TLS [\#Infosec](https://packmates.org/tags/Infosec) [#Privacy](https://packmates.org/tags/Privacy) CC: [@privacyguides](https://lemmy.one/c/privacyguides)