Excel modeller, juggler, geek, engineer, DIY nut. Woke=thoughtful, considerate and empathetic. All views are my own.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


But they are taking about monitoring public facing social media - frankly I think it would be daft if they did not do this.
If a be teaching assistant starts publicly posting harmful harmful content there should indeed be systems on place to ensure this is identified and appropriate action taken.
If you post publicly you have to assume everybody, including your employer, might see it.

It is being discussed - here is a thread from yesterday:

And here is an ongoing discussion about a possible remedy:

But worth noting, unlike email the ‘view’ isn’t linked to an individual and an email address, and also broadcasting your IP address (yes and some meta data) as you browse isn’t unusual. Every page you visit could be doing this not just Lemmy.
Yes ideally this should be fixed, but in my view it is also a bit of a storm in a teacup.