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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 14, 2023


Nothing, sorry, I was talking about windscribe in response to another comment in this thread.

Damn, didn’t know this. I thought they were pretty standup people, didn’t think the actual product quality would be left, so… wanting.

EDIT: Sorry, I was talking about Windscribe, and this comment was supposed to be in response to boredsquirrel’s comment in this thread.

They keep google as default to get that google money. This money allows the foundation to keep functioning. When you have a company to run, you find that ideals about human liberty doesn’t feed your workers families or keep them working. So then your alternatives are to find the money fast, or shut up shop. Im sure that if there were other viable sources of income, Mozilla wouldn’t need to have to suckle on the google teat.

I’d rather have a firefox I can configure to be as private as possible rather than no firefox.

What does this mean? That people are targetted based on who they’re talking to instead of what they’re saying?

I understand encrypted-at-rest to mean that the data is always stored under encryption, except when it is being actively being used or displayed. Am I wrong? So in your usecase also, all data is stored under encryption and only decrypted by the surveyor or the surveyed; so this is encrypted at rest, no?