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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


Why would a company dedicated to privacy concerns even entertain connecting to Google? I would imagine the customers using Proton would leave services that don’t value privacy, so why is it being invited back in? Seems like Proton may be changing which customers they value while holding onto name recognition. Enshitification continues.

Sounds like a shady deal with Alphabet for a financially struggling company that may or may not have a board which decided they liked money better than their customers one day.

Don’t let people tell you that “everything’s fine, don’t jump to conclusions”. I have no idea who that is or if they have a stake in this outside or a random Lemmy user, but I would imagine a lot of people would have a financial or other interest in ensuring the public continues to think Proton is safe and private.

Be willing to question and verify. Don’t be complacent.

Interesting that I just saw comnents the other day espousing Proton. Shame to see it go this direction based on those comments, but now I consider it could always have been a paid shill as corporations learn to mimic grassroot campaigns to control messages and set narratives. It’d be nice to see laws moving in that direction.