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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 24, 2023


Strictly speaking, no, since ublock origin can also disable JavaScript on pages if you toggle the option. So aside from the question of whether doing so is necessary, noscript’s script blocking functionality is entirely replaceable with ubo, which also has more advanced support for filterlists, etc that you’re probably aware of already

It’s a lookup in a static text file, rather than a database which is optimized and structured for quickly querying an item from a list of millions of entries

I’m pretty happy with https://oisd.nl. There’s so StevenBlack’s hosts file if you want something smaller.

Use them in pihole, or add to ublock origin in addition to the normal lists. I’m assuming you don’t mean using it as a literal hosts file (which has severe performance problems with lookups on large files)

Anki is a free and open source spaced-repetition flashcard program. You can find many premade decks for it for pretty much any language, and you can create your own cards from real-world content you read (“sentence mining”). You can also find free (or pirated) grammar guides and similar content online. These two resources will give you the foundation for making your input comprehensible, but the vast majority of the learning you’ll do will come from simply reading and listening to native content while making as much of an effort to understand it as possible (such as by looking up words in the dictionary using a browser extension like yomichan)


See this really good guide for learning Japanese (some of the information applies to other languages too): https://learnjapanese.moe