• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 18, 2023


After reading through this whole thread, that’s exactly what I’m doing.

Hmm, interesting tool! With just Brave blocking I get 96%, but turning on uBO, I get 100%.

Is PrivacyBadger not made redundant by uBlock or any of the other extensions?

Noted! I have been looking into Librewolf… Why is Ghostery not useful?

How many Adblocking/Privacy extensions are too much?
So as the title mentions, I'm wondering how much is too much? I am currently using Brave with the setting to: - Aggressively block trackers & ads - Only connect with HTTPS - Block fingerprinting - Block cross-site cookies In addition to that, I have installed the following extensions: - uBlock Origin - Ghostery - Decentraleyes - DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials So my question is: **Is this overkill?** If so, what should/could be removed that may be redundant? I want as much coverage as possible, but not have things bloated.