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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


You’ve got a point. Using /s has nearly the same effect as explaining the joke which is guaranteed to deflate the fun of making the comment in the first place.

Are you lost mate?

Check what subcommunity you’re on

This is one very good example why strong and secure encrypted communication apps should be the default. You should not have to be at the mercy of fb in order to talk to your mom about personal and private matters. It may not have mattered too much in this particular case as the tip came from a judas but it no doubt does, or will, in others going forward.

Not to mention that abortion is medically indistinguishable from miscarriage, if they didnt talk or act with intent to perform an abortion would anyone have noticed in the first place?

Edit: right, just noticed the sub this was posted on. y’all already know.