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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


I gave up discord a week or two ago but when I used it, I only used the online version on Firefox in a container. I think Ublock Origin blocks most of the science API things too! Example: https://discord.com/api/v9/science

Oh come to think of it you might be right I don’t use tor a lot lol

My rule for this is if tor uses it its pretty dam good aka No script + Ublock Orgin

How good are Yubi Keys?
Hello I'm thinking about buying two Yubi Keys for my keepPassXc database but I just want to be sure they're worth it before I buy them since two would cost a fair chunk of money ($100), can anyone recommend them? Have a good day, -Sebo

I have the exact same problem not being able to delete my Microsoft accounts since they’re linked to paid Minecraft accounts :(

I set up Ad Guard Home on a raspberry pi and im thinking about setting up a private searxng instance but Im not too sure how to set it up properly without using my main ip

I use keepassXC and Ive never had a problem with it, Is there anything different about Proton Pass?

I think in firefox you can disable plugin scanning in about:config (it might be plugin.scan.plid.all).