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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 12, 2023

Opinions on AdNauseam?
I did not any research about it yet, but it's recommended by "Firefox".. and we all now how worse this recommendations are sometimes. I would like to you if you guys knows anything abt it. Their site:

Would you say that Vivaldi is (at least) better than Chromium for security and privacy?

Yes, definitly. For example they removed completly the privacy sandbox stuff from the chromium code and also includes some additional privacy protections.

TL;DR: Basically, Brave has a lot of protections which vanilla chromium doesn’t have (Bounce tracking, Fingerprinting, etc.) or uBlock Origin which includes, Brave also removed a lot of trash like the Privacy Sandbox thing, etc. Also Brave announced on X/Twitter that they will continue supporting MV2, Chromium won’t. Brave is the best chromium-based privacy focused browser you can get currently, if you rly don’t like Brave, Vivaldi would be a good alternative, but is weaker than Brave, since it includes not all the protections or alternatives which Brave has.

Your VPN will anyway bypass the PI-Hole, also just use smth like Adguard DNS, NextDNS or RethinkDNS and you will gain similar or even better results.

It doesn’t make sense using, since both VPNs see your traffic and one of them still knows your real IP adress. So using VPN over VPN doesn’t add any extra security or privacy. Anyone who say smth different has no technical understanding how Tor works and how VPN does, the only case where this make sense if the VPN provider itself provide this as feature and encrypts the traffic so that the second server can’t see it.

Nice, I want to do that too, but my ISP router doesn’t let me ;-;

Sadly not, if your router don’t support DNS over Tls or DNS over https, but NextDNS does if you need that.

You can use the Office 365 Extension, create a new profile in your preffered Chromium based browser (just for Teams) and use it their (without Extension it won’t work). I would suggest use the traditional privacy protections too in this profile.

A look at RethinkDNS couldn’t hurt too, especially their app (which work with any DNS too, has a firewall, in app filterlists and so much more)

If you already fear just to leak one IP adresse, which only can be linked back to you for a limited amount of time than don’t use apple.

It doesn’t matter. Your IP adresse is dymanic, and your IP adresse alone is basically worthless.

I don’t fund anything related to VPN at their products page, but that they want to promote their self-hosted entrance guards is definitly true, this article isn’t trustworthy

Your comment was missleading, since you did not mention what data you mean, also this is a privacy sub, copyrighted data isn’t related to privacy anyway, is only some reason why you couldn’t like a company, also this is a contentious topic, because on the one hand they just show you information you find yourself also for free online, they just present it you in a easier way, on the other hand they generate money by doing this with content from others.

Whoever wrote this article, didn’t do enough research about that what he written things like using a VPN aren’t recommended by the Tor Project for specific reasons, also hosting your own entrance guard makes u even more easily deanonymizable. I would recommebd to checking the Tor Project, Whonix and Tails Documentation, they include very well and also some technical explanations, about all of this.

They didn’t. Some people just like spreeding missinformation about things the don’t like.

I do not need to try smth which I already did and others too. I’m also not talking about ky experiences or opinions, what I said are facts.

With a gurantee of 99% some things will break, and you can do everything with uBO others have + more Extensions makes you easily fingerprintable on Chromium browsers (Firefox too, but there is it hardery depending on the Extension), atleast some.

So. Since many people basically have no idea of anything, Quick explanation:

Never use different Content Blocker Extensions together. They break eah pther in functionality, uBO Dev and a Adguard Dev made a official post about this problem on Twitter (aka. X). So, remove DDG, definitly remove Ghostery, there privacy pratices are worse, Decentralized Eyes is outdated, use it’s fork LocalCDN instead, uBlock Origin is u only necessary if you wanna use Features of it, which Brave Shields doesn’t have. uBO filters do work completly for Brave too, they both the the same syntax.

WhatsApp in a privacy-focused browser is more private, since WhatsApp only can see the data your browser provide and not your entire OS. Which make this solution more private.