idk what tf im doin lmao

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2023


You don’t need an account unless you want to use your own viewer.

youre right, but teddit is the best way for people to lurk on reddit without actually giving reddit any traffic (remember, its not using reddit’s API, it uses its own unofficial API like nitter)

also it works on mobile browsers, and we all know how reddit behaves when you use its browser version on android

I do play minetst, but I gotta admit Minecraft is 1000% better

I only play offline indie games 99% of the times (using the 🏴‍☠️ method) which means I dont have to worry about DRM or mandatory login/internet connection

so technically the only thing I had on my steam was my status/scores, which are meaningless since I dont have friends lol

well if you got important stuff in it then keep it I guess

I only deleted my steam account because I never use it

last week i deleted reddit, github, steam, google, discord, facebook and probably more I forgot about

I only keep my Microsoft account cuz I got Minecraft on it, otherwise I use fedi, xmpp, irc and matrix for everything else

used to have one on my phone, thank god I switched to a custom ROM, shit feels 1000% better than stock