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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Jan 25, 2024


The way I understand it, I think the real issue here is that Proton Drive should clear the sync state or identity when uninstalled. The identification of the PC should be unique to each install, so that when you reinstall it later it understands that it is now a “new” system needing to be reworked from scratch, and that the empty folder is awaiting initial download, not mass cloud deletion. Would that lead to multiple copies in the “Computers” backup section? Sure, but that can be a good thing too, or at least better than wiping the drive, and more easily remedied.

I wonder if Proton could shave off some work hours by just putting the API team in contact with the RClone backend developer, or by contributing to it.

I get the feeling even if Proton released a drive app for Linux, all but the most casual users will just be waiting for when RClone learns from it and improves.

RClone? I understand it’s a bit hacky but it works well for me in testing and is a generally accepted option for cloud storage of all kinds on Linux.

I believe all you need to do is attempt to subscribe to Unlimited, and when it breaks out the bill your current subscription will be subtracted as credits.

There’s no Upgrade button, it’s just accounted at purchase time.

I chose a couple months ago to upgrade from a year to two years unlimited subscription, and I actually had to drop to Mail Plus using my current subscription as credit, and then upgrade to the two year plan with credited difference. It felt hacky but it worked.