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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


NordLocker was part of Nord Security external ISO27001 audit in 2022. Of course, being closed-source software you can’t really know security fully. The biggest concern seems however to be the encryption model they use in addition to being closed source. However, for example, hosting my own cloud service while most secure really isn’t the option that would answer the reason I use cloud service.

I am not saying use it. I am saying it often gets recommended. I really do think people should do their own research on if things are best fit for them. I am having a huge issue finding actually secure solutions that are not self-hosted and FOSS or at least open source. Nextcloud which is fully hosted by service or on your own bought server space has some concerns as well.

As mentioned self-hosted Nextcloud is an option but as my ability to keep things from breaking is really limited which is a big reason why I use the cloud, I am moving on Sync. Other cloud services people often recommend are NordLocker and Tresorit.