Based Count head admin.

Some of the tools I’ve created:

I speak: 🇮🇹 🇬🇧 🇫🇷

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 17, 2023


Thanks for sharing. The default launcher on my phone is terrible and I hate having to move to different layouts every time I switch phones (which only happens every 5+ years, but is still annoying) so I have been using Nova for many years.

Just turned off its internet access on both data and wifi, let’s see if it complains about it.

As a note: I can see that it only transfered a few hundred kilobytes in the past month, which isn’t a lot, but it’s still more than zero.

Eh, it still wouldn’t be “free software” at that point. “Free” also means freedom to send your data to Meta if you want to.

TIL. Never really cared about the legal aspect of FOSS for anything other than slapping a GPL license next to anything I write but that is an interesting fact.

Isn’t ActivityPub just an application protocol? To my knowledge there’s no ActivityPub inc. licensing the usage of the protocol or anything like that. A web protocol is just a series of guidelines everyone has agreed on following, you can’t attach terms and conditions to it.