Cryptography nerd

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 16, 2023


If the MLS group messaging encryption protocol can get finalized any day soon then they might use that

If you have a Samsung or use the Google SMS messaging app then you can use RCS via their servers, even in Europe

F-Droid either requires app developers to set up their own repository (and point users to them) or to follow the F-Droid repo rules (the F-Droid devs compile and sign your app, not you)

A roku, Chromecast, etc, which will get updates for longer than the TV itself, and which is much less likely to be backdoored.

Or begging companies to support Miracast properly

Perfect forward secrecy, meaning rekeying of session encryption keys using a protocol which doesn’t allow those keys to be recovered after the fact.

But Apple still fetches that list of hashes and can be made to send an alternative list to scan for