Served in the Krogan uprisings. Now I run a podcast

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Running a middle relay for years with no issues.

You do what you can and as much as you can live with/without and you get on with your life.

I use foss exclusively where possible but sure there are binary blobs, I have to sumbit my Id to banks and various government institutions etc. I also use WhatsApp in addition to signal because I need it for family.

Signal, linux, Firefox with ublock / no script, a VPN or Tor and using a password manager like keepass xc and 2FA app like free OTP+ will go a lot further in the long run than becoming hyperparanoid and shutting yourself off from the world. No need for 7 layers of encryption and thermite trip switches 😄

Just keep a low profile and dont sign up for lots of bs services with real info. Just be a Gray man / woman and blend in.

Life is what you make it and it is short

Another reason to stick to your distro repositories. This should totally be disabled by default for modern browsers.