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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


VPN Linux client is still barely functional years later…

Keep releasing new products tho

Fair enough, although I still think the timeframe is some classic Proton soon™ copium. The community CLI app currently supports it.

That said, I might expect the official app to have higher standards for security. And, the community version cannot handle split tunneling and kill switch at once, you have to pick one or the other.

I’m confused, I thought it already had this? I’ve been using it for months. What is new here?

Glad to hear that things are still happening to the Linux app anyway. Slowly but surely we’ll catch up to feature parity (split tunneling when?).

Not saying it’s a bad product, but all I’m seeing here is “we’re releasing yet another new product while our existing lineup languishes in the quagmire of Soon™ regarding relatively basic features.”

Hopefully this release means they’ll finally get around to properly integrating simplelogin.

I think I might switch to pass from bitwarden if/when they get some basic features released (for me, the big one is a separate master password from my proton account, I don’t want one point of failure between my email and password manager).

TheVPN is great (security/trust wise)>, the reason it gets hated on is the client suuuuucks. The Linux client is missing so many features that android/windows already have. Just having a GUI client for Linux users is a relatively new release.