Philip answered him, 2 books is not sufficient for them. And Jesus took the books; and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down. Therefore they gathered them together, and filled twelve baskets with the new copies, which remained over.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Apr 05, 2024


Mullvad’s response a day after the article. Come on proton, at least a “we saw the article and are looking into it”.

Evaluating the impact of TunnelVision

May 7, 2024 Security

We evaluated the impact of the latest TunnelVision attack (CVE-2024-3661) and have found it to be very similar to TunnelCrack LocalNet (CVE-2023-36672 and CVE-2023-35838).

We have determined that from a security and privacy standpoint in relation to the Mullvad VPN app they are virtually identical. Both attacks rely on the attacker being on the same local network as the victim, and in one way or another being able to act as the victim’s DHCP server and tell the victim that some public IP range(s) should be routed via the attacker instead of via the VPN tunnel.

The desktop versions (Windows, macOS and Linux) of Mullvad’s VPN app have firewall rules in place to block any traffic to public IPs outside the VPN tunnel. These effectively prevent both LocalNet and TunnelVision from allowing the attacker to get hold of plaintext traffic from the victim.

Android is not vulnerable to TunnelVision simply because it does not implement DHCP option 121, as explained in the original article about TunnelVision.

iOS is unfortunately vulnerable to TunnelVision, for the same reason it is vulnerable to LocalNet, as we outlined in our blog post about TunnelCrack. The fix for TunnelVision is probably the same as for LocalNet, but we have not yet been able to integrate and ship that to production.

Mullvad already published a blog post a day after stating they reviewed the vulnerability, and it was closed up during their process of fixing a different vulnerability.

That we haven’t heard anything from proton regarding this vulnerability is not a good sign. Article came out on May 6th and proton has only published basic privacy guides.

cross-posted from: > Pulling this off requires high privileges in the network, so if this is done by intruder you're probably having a Really Bad Day anyway, but might be good to know if you're connecting to untrusted networks (public wifi etc). For now, if you need to be sure, either tether to Android - since the Android stack doesn't implement DHCP option 121 or run VPN in VM that isn't bridged.