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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Mar 04, 2024


What about it? Added in later, originally “cast into the lake of fire” which is “throw into a volcano”…presumably the same volcano that the Hebrews thought was god’s tent in Exodus

And right there you have committed your first lie. You know damn well that none of this is about “simply telling a friend that Jesus loves them”. None of it.

This is why you are evil: blatant and shameless attempts to shame and manipulate.

Yes. Yes, it is. It is a cult of fear and death and division and hatred. Hell isnt even part of your scriptures and never has been; it was made up after the fact when you saw how other mythologies used it.

But see that’s the part you dont get: there is NO REASON for christian statements to get around. Yours is the only religion that demands that you be a fucking pest to everyone else. You dont know to stop once someone is saved; you switch immediately to cult grooming. It’s a religion of evil, not good; a cult of death, not peace. The long term goals are the same as they have always been: scour the earth of infidels.

By the way, my extended family are all what you would call “good christians” and they’re all trump supporters because their pastor is, and the scales do not fall from their eyes and they do not recognize an antichrist when they see one though he keeps screaming out loud to them I AM AN ANTICHRIST!!!

It is a synonym for christofascism. “Fire and brimstone” ideology that divides “sinners” from “saved”. ANY recognition of a punishment dealt in afterlife or perceived “wrath of god” in this life. Any usurpation of the First Amendment that ejects freedom FROM religion. Use of broadcast and cable media to spread this very bad news. Prayer in schools. Grooming children with Sunday School classes.

I have NEVER heard of ANY christian group speaking out against evangelical attempts to control others. NEVER.

I have NEVER heard of ANY christian organization standing up to government officials to say NO WE DO NOT WANT TO FORCE OUR GOD OR IDEOLOGY ON OTHERS THROUGH GOVERNMENT FORCE. Which is weird because government force is proof that there is no god and/or he has no power of his own.

A very strongly nagged and heavily pressured and influenced choice.

There is no magic carpenter and never was, and there is no magic “salvation” that absolves you from responsibility for your actions. Grow up and become an adult.