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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 20, 2023


That would be very hard to verify for most users. So the perceived risk can be high. Most people aren’t going through source code or compiling the code themselves. Most are trusting the open source community to tell them it’s safe.

Where as pen and paper, the risks are apparent to most people. It also severely limits the people who can access the information. Keeping out those that would sell or trade it. For a third party to access pen and paper they either need to trick you in person or break and enter.

Most businesses aren’t going to take those risks. But they will steal your data from an app. Many businesses primary operation is stealing data from apps.

How many VPNs do you think are run by intelligence services. They seem to have very deep pockets for advertising and paying people to share links to their service.

It’s the ideal candidate business for a spy agency. Not only do get wire tap level access. The targets come to you for it, especially those that would seek to avoid being spied on. They then provide you with bank details. Linking their online activity to a bank account.

Don’t buy cheap streaming boxes. Buy one from a reputable retailer made by a trusted manufacturer.