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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 03, 2023


Interestingly, Simplex usually consumes more than Freetube (my only Electron program) as well!

My biggest hope is on a third-party client, but I guess it won’t be until the project matures more.

Not just huge in size, the biggest bother for me is how huge it is in RAM! It takes more than my browser on average, WTF.

I started using it on desktop first, in no way a mobile was involved. The closest thing I can think of is “Link a mobile” functionality, that can indeed display the profile from the phone on the computer but not vice versa… But this is not the required way of using the client.

Desktop app does not work without the phone? That is just plain untrue. You mean on the same account? Then yeah, it is weird to only have this link one-sided - but it is cumbersome anyway, so much more convenient to use two accounts.