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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


Try removing bitwarden and do the same test. Ibet bitwarden is checking for updates that it needs to sync.

This can go way beyond ‘tracking’ software. I used to write software that my company used in its core business activities. Almost everyone in the company used some portion of this software. The logging for that system included timestamps and user IDs the captured general high level activities. If we had a system issue we could ramp up the logging to much more granular levels. If mgmt asked we could query the logs and get a pretty good idea of how much or little you were using the system. That wasn’t the main intent for the logging but it had been used for employee performance monitoring on more than one occasion… In all my years of coding, every app I worked on had similar logging.

If you are on a work PC, assume your activity can be monitored and/or logged in some fashion.

Oh yeah. Don’t fuck with cats was great. I guess I knew in theory that sort of thing was possible but to seeing real implications was a serious gut check. It made me seriously consider my online activity and things that I was revealing g unintentionally.

Edited for grammar

I love shows like that. There is one called something like ‘How I caught my killer’ which usually involves digital forensics of some sort. It’s cool and super creepy at the same time. It also makes me wonder how far I should go with trying to be anonymous. If someone had a Grapheneos phone bought anonymously and only used e2ee communications on a VPN…what sort of hindrance would that be if that person was murdered. Lol these are the thought exercises that I go through while I’m walking the dog…that and how to keep the dog from noticing that bunny in the next yard.